Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Persron Who Has made a Difference

                                                      My Father

The person who made a big different in my life is my father. He is kind, honest and generous. He always give me advices to be a good man in the future. He tells me to help the people and give the money to the poor. He always say seek the knowledge from the cradle to the grave. He takes me with him to all places he visit in order to learn how to communicate with people and to see their cultures and traditions. He encourages me to study hard and take care about my self and my brothers. I hope he stills life for a long of times to get more lessons from him .

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Steps to Become a Successful Student

                 To become a successful student, you should know many important things . First, you should find the appropriate place to study which should be clean, quite and has a good light. Second, you have to study hard and do your homework on time, and don't delay any homework because if you do that, you will have a lot of homework and your teacher will not take it. Third, you have read more to have the most knowledge and experience about every thing associated  with reading. Don't forget about  learning a lot of vocabulary. Last , you should have many skills such as, listening,speaking and writing and use them daily in your life, and apply what you study to become a successful student because what is the benefit if we study and you don't apply that.

Description of the Picture Number 4

              When the day began at school, no one thought there will be a fight between two girls. One of the girls won the fight and seemed very happy to that.she was sitting on a yellow chair , wearing a white shirt with small skirt and brown shoes. But she had a blue eye and red cheek. Inside the office, there was her father and the principal and there was a brown table. On the right of the office, there were many beautiful small pictures like children played together, and there was a yellow medal. In the front of the office, there was a green drawer that  had a yellow file.

                    <img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*xJmx*PTEyODU2MzY4Njc*OTcmcHQ9MTI4NTYzNjg3OTMzMyZwPTIyMTYzMSZkPSZnPTImbz1iODZiODdlMTA5ODM*YmNhYjkz/YzkyOTIwMTUyMWIyNSZvZj*w.gif" /><embed src="" flashvars="sl=,1,0&gh=5,5,5" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="window" allowScriptAcces="always" allowNetworking="all" allowFullScreen="true" height="555" width="410"/>

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Abdullah: summary of Can Animals Think

Abdullah: summary of Can Animals Think: " Summary of Can Animals Think

Summary of Can Animals Think
     In FYI ''Can Animals Think'', Karen Blancharp, writes that some animals do incredible things that make scientists think about  whether animals think or not. The first example,there was a young champanzee who was able to plan a head when he saw a piece of fruit. He pretended he didn't know where it was when he saw other champs. The second example, a heron was able to make and use a tool to catch a fish.The third example, there was a parrot that showed his ability to communicate his thoughts with people when he said, I love, I am sorry and I want to go back. The Forth example, there was an octopus that learned by watching other animals how to open jar. The Last example,t here was a gorilla fell in love and this was observed when the workers took his wife and baby a way and he wouldn't eat or sleep. At the end, It can be said that after these actions, we should believe that some animals can think and know what they do.